Post by solipsistnation on Feb 13, 2023 21:47:39 GMT
I found this video today, and it really resonates. I know that if something is kind of a pain to do (even a minor pain) I won't bother. I've done more or less what he says there-- set things up so you can turn on a couple of power switches and be ready to go in 20 seconds or less.
I can sit down, turn on 2 power strips to get AE stuff going, turn on audio interface and mixer, start up Logic and load a template with the audio inputs ready to go and stuff like clock-to-AE-MIDI preconfigured. It's pretty great. It did take some time to get set up to start with, but I did that and now it's really easy to get going. Not having to build up the infrastructure every time I want to do some music removes a huge mental barrier.
You don't even need to have a chunk of a room set aside-- that's why I do things like pre-wire the kind of connections I pretty much always want (6mute -> mixer, effects sends, various midi to clock stuff) (sometimes using little breadboard wires) and just leave them connected anytime I'm not actually taking apart my AE rig. Want to get audio out? Half of it is already patched!
Anyway, if you're having trouble with writer's block or whatever, the advice in here is pretty good.
Post by maydonpoliris on Feb 14, 2023 20:53:17 GMT
agree totally with this which is why I have my set up next to the lounge so I can just turn to the left, turn on the Ae, Mixer and monitor and I'm off. If I had to walk to the spare room then I would probably not. I do like to have a movie or sport on in the background while patching so in the past I had everything set up on a trolley that I could wheel out, plug in and go but even that took too long